Stories To Be Remembered

During a pilgrimage to Delphi, Greece in May this year (2023) it became clear to me that the stories of the many special places I have the privilige to visit want to be shared. It is through the power of story that we can be touched, moved and enter a different world. That is exactly what I experience myself in visiting those ancient and sacred places. It is as if a portal opens to a new, yet familiar, way of knowing. It is a way to enter into deep communion with the Earth and with ourselves. I hope those recordings will transmit that to you. It is best listened to with a headphone.

This specific idea and the first recording shared here below came into existence spontaneously, when my friend Rachel Butt from Wondrousound and I started to play around one evening. Over time more stories will come in a similar fashion. 

Montségur - South of France - New Moon July 2023

by Rick Jansen with music from Rachel Butt (Wondrousound)

If you enjoyed the recording and wish to support our work a donation is warmly welcomed. 

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